Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

About me

a little story.
In 2010 this, I have 14 years of age. I feel at the age I'am now, I think pretty much the pattern is changing terms of RELIGION, LOVE, and WORK.

#RELIGION : Em, I think, religion is very important, for the world and the hereafter. slthough I admit that my religion is still poor implementation. hahahaa..

#LOVE : at my age now, still young spelled (hahahaa...), I do not want to play around with words of love, Certainly to me is a serious desire in relationship. Looking for a boyfriend is also not just pick her handsome (meybe, hhaa), but the views of its future, whether he can someday become a good leader of the household or not. hahahahaa (funny)

#WORK : although the new 14, but I wish someday I would become a successful person. Can become entrepreneurs, etc.. My real goal is to become a doctor, who I know is someone who can help people who are sick. The next musician, according to my hobby is music, I also want to be great and famous musicians hahaa.. and Politicians, a new world that I know, horoscope because I'm so interested, there's no harm in it I try? haha.. Essentianlly I want to look for work that large income, so he could buy his own house and raise my parents Hajj. (amiin) .. :)


Name Length / Original : Marissa Yusana
Nickname : Marissa / rissa / sasa
Place, date of birth : Martapura, March 29, 1996
Hometown : Semarang, Center Java Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan
Hobby : Playing music, anything related to art
Ideals : Doctor and musicians, or become a successful person
Favourite food : chicken, noodles, friedrice, ect.
Fovourite Drink : water, juice, tea, ect.
Number Phone : 085752329965
Message : Continue to reach the dreams, DO NOT GIVE UP! and SMILLE!! :)

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

Ebummm... Ebuuuummmmm

hahaaa... bLog gaje again ...

mo beebagiii berbagii sajjah ,,,

ekhem ,,
oea, liet2 website kku ya ..

nah,, kku mo apa ya ...
emm ... berbagii LOVE STORY sajjah...

hikkss hikss

hahahaaaaaaaaasu ..
dah gen lah ,, dah maleemm ..
tha2 all .. :)